Posted on Sep. 3, 2024***Mandatory Volleyball Parent Meeting - September 9 @ 8:30pm Wednesday, September 4th Volleyball Tryouts: Grade 8 Girls 3:30-5:00 Grade 9 Girls 5:00-6:30 Grade 7 Girls 6:30-8:00 Grade 7 Boys 8:00-9:30…
***Mandatory Volleyball Parent Meeting - September 9 @ 8:30pm Wednesday, September 4th Volleyball Tryouts: Grade 8 Girls 3:30-5:00 Grade 9 Girls 5:00-6:30 Grade 7 Girls 6:30-8:00 Grade 7 Boys 8:00-9:30…
Football Schedule - Jr. Comets 2024 Football Roster 2024
Jr. Comets Football practices begin Monday, August 19th. Those needing equipment can meet at 5:00pm at VSP to pick it up. Regular practice will be from 6-8:00pm. Please refer to the email sent on August…
Emailed to parents June 4: It is time to register your students who are going into Grade 8 & 9 in option courses for the 2024-25 school year at RJHS. There are two attachments below that will guide…
Please read the attached letter that includes our final exam schedule (emailed to parents on June 4). Final Exam Schedule
**Time Changes - Wednesday, June 19th 4-5:30; Thursday, June 20th 2:30-4:30. Jr. Comets Football Spring Camp will be held June 18-20 at the VSP Field. Please read the first attachment for more details.…
Emailed to parents: On Thursday, May 23 we will be hosting our track meet day. The track and field day is part of the Physical Education program at our school. As such, all students are expected to participate,…
Our Grade 9 (and some Grade 8!) Drama students have been getting ready to perform Aladdin Jr. on stage, and are excited about this performance! Tickets will go on sale Monday, May 6 at the RJHS office;…
The following letter was emailed to grade 6 parents on April 16: Grade 6 Orientation Parent Letter 2024/25 Please see the link below for Option Course Descriptions and Fees. This will help you better…
Congratulations to our Grades 7, 8 and Intermediate Bands, and the Wind Orchestra for earning 'Superior,' which is 90 or better, on their respective performances in the Lethbridge Music Festival. Well…
Congratulations to our Grade 8 Boys and Girls, and Grade 9 Girls basketball teams and coaches for winning 1st place in their Zone Basketball Tournaments. We recognize all the dedication and hard work…
4J Zone Tournament Rosters 4J Zone Tournament Draws
**Ski trip sign-up form is now closed. Link to ski trip form: Ski Trip - RJHS March 12, 2024 For those attending the ski trip, please arrive at the school no later than 6:15am on March 12.
Candy Crush orders will begin Tuesday, February 13th! Orders can be placed at the canteen Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday morning.
Westwind School Division will be hosting two ADHD Awareness & Education Nights, featuring Jordan Ducharme and Clare Mehew. There are two separate nights to help accommodate traveling for those who wish…
Tournament Draw Tournament Draw, Rosters, and Sponsors Thank you to our many sponsors for your continued support!