The date has been set for the RJHS Ski Trip. On March 19 we will be taking students and staff to Castle Mountain Resort. If your child is interested in going, please open the link below and complete required information. It will take about 15min to complete and you will need your child with you as you complete it. Important highlights:
The school will remain open on the date of the trip for those not attending
All RJHS school/athletic fees owing must be paid before Feb. 28
Students whose attendance is below 75% are not eligible to attend. If you need to make a plan to fix your attendance, see Mr. Heggie at the office.
If you register to go on the trip with the school you are required to ride the bus to the ski hill
We want to take as many students as possible, so make sure you get your registration and fees paid on time; we will not/cannot extend the deadlines.