Grade 6 Orientation/Option Courses

Emailed to parents:
Dear Grade 6 (soon to be Grade 7) Parents,
We are excited to welcome your students for the 2023/24 school year. I will be visiting with your students in their classes at RES on May 15. During this visit I will give them an Option Course Selection sheet and invite them to return this paper on the Grade 6 Orientation night.
The Grade 6 Orientation Night will be on Thursday, May 18 at 8:00pm in the Jr. High School gym. The completed option course paper needs to be completed and returned at this meeting. Families and kids are busy with spring activities, but this is an important night for these students as they prepare to move into their new school. It is ideal if a parent and student attend together. If both are not able to attend, please do your best to have someone there.
Option classes will be assigned based on the students preferences and the order in which option selection papers are received. There is not room in all option courses for all those interested, to increase your chances of getting the options you want, make sure you return your selections on the orientation night. If you are unable to attend, the papers can be dropped off at the RJHS Office before the end of the school year. If a selection paper is not returned we will assign option courses based on what is available.
A description of the Gr. 7 Option Courses will be posted to the RJHS Website on May 15. Please use these descriptions as a guide as you help your child make selections.
The discussion at the meeting will be focused on the topics like: option course registration, extracurricular activities, changes to expect moving from RES to RJHS, communication with staff, and an introduction to the RJHS staff.
We look forward to meeting all of you on May 18!!!