Upcoming Dates
Posted on Mar. 3, 2025***All league games are posted on the Athletics Calendar under Athletics on the Main Menu*** February 28 - Cutoff for Ski Trip registration and payment March 5 - Cutoff for ordering/paying for Grade…
***All league games are posted on the Athletics Calendar under Athletics on the Main Menu*** February 28 - Cutoff for Ski Trip registration and payment March 5 - Cutoff for ordering/paying for Grade…
Emailed to parents: The access road to the area our Grade 7A and 7C classes were scheduled to hike in Waterton has been closed. As a result, we are cancelling the field trip for tomorrow. Students will…
Parents of grade 9 girls were sent the link to the permission form that must be filled out by noon on March 24th. No participation will be allowed without the permission form. For questions, please contact…
Congratulations to our Grade 9 Boys & Girls basketball teams who both placed first in their 4J Zone Championship games. We commend you and your coaches for your hard work and dedication - well done! We…
Grade 9 Students: Hoodie forms and payment for grad hoodies are due by Wednesday, March 5. https://forms.gle/R7BUm1NyMc22yoa66
Zone Basketball - 8 Boys Draw 2025 Zone Basketball - 8 Girls Draw 2025 Zone Basketball - 9 Boys Draw 2025 Zone Basketball - 9 Girls Draw 2025
Update: Registration is now closed. Ski trip has been changed to March 20 (from March 19), and parents of attending students have been emailed. Emailed to parents February 11: The date has been set for…
It's Candy Crush time! Students have the opportunity to purchase candy bags & pop at the canteen, and have the treats delivered to other students. Sales begin the afternoon of Thursday, February 13th…
Remember to sign up for the Talent Show! Sheets have been available for students to sign up outside the office; please sign up there during a time slot. The Talent Show is scheduled for the afternoon…
Boys Tournament Draw Girls Tournament Draw Tournament Roster Booklet
Congratulations to our Golf Team on their Divisional win, our Cross Country team on their Zone win, our Grade 7 and Grade 9 Girls Volleyball Teams on their Division wins, our Grade 9 Girls Volleyball…
Live Stream If the link won't work for you, the game can be found on YouTube at RJHS Sports.